Building mid to long term airport traffic forecasts are fundamental to airport infrastructure enhancement planning. We have supported a variety of airport clients in building detailed traffic forecasts to support commercial business plans, airport master plans, local transport planning, and airport transactions. Project experience of our team includes:
- Developed a traffic forecast for a greenfield airport in Saudi Arabia. Our results drove the broader master plan for the airport and for the city’s future transport development plans.
- Acted as the lenders technical advice for a major Airport in Latin America analysing and opining on the Sponsor’s traffic and revenue forecast for the lenders.
- Developed a traffic forecast which analysed and determined the impact of climate change on passenger demand for a global airport hub.
- Analysed the traffic strategy for prospective operators of an airport in APAC. We worked alongside the government as the airport was being privatised.
- Developed the financial model for an airport in South Africa.
- Forecast the London aviation network to determine traffic at a London Airport on behalf of potential acquirers.
- Analysed the total and specific terminal traffic for an airport in the South of America.
- Buy-side traffic forecast for a portfolio of airports in Colombia.
- Sydney region air travel demand forecasts, Department of Infrastructure, Federal Australian Government.
- Western Sydney Airport greenfield demand scenarios, NSW Infrastructure Department.
- Long term forecasts for master planning, Wellington Airport.